
Growing up in Scotland, I was lucky enough to be able to travel to France often as a child. After moving to the United States, I hadn't been able to return in almost eighteen years. That changed this past May. Last year I was able to convince Lai to join me in a trip to my homeland for two weeks, with the condition that we would next travel to Paris, France. This year we made good on that promise.

Paris is an incredible city full of amazing people. Walking through the streets you can feel the pulse of the country, of the continent. Tourists from across the globe coalesce in these forty square miles, and yet the Parisians are warm and welcoming. I did my best to tap into my French skills that I picked up in Primary School, and made an effort to communicate with the denizens in their home language. Although they would often quickly switch into English, the gesture was appreciated and I got that much more out of the trip because of it. 

The following are some photos of my favorite places in Paris. I tried my best to capture the culture and the beauty, but as most things in life, you have to see the city for yourself to truly appreciate it.


So it took me almost three years, but I finally made the trip to visit my brother in Seattle. This was my first time in the city and I immediately fell in love. What a vibrant, clean, exciting place - it's hard to not imagine living there. I actually was reminded quite a bit of Scotland, and not just because of the rain. The houses in the residential neighborhoods are northern European inspired and there is a familiar bustle in Seattle that also exists across the pond. I can't wait to go back, though maybe next time I won't go in winter. 


Women's March, San Francisco, 2018

January 20, 2018, one year after the inauguration of the 45th president, hundreds of thousands of women and men marched together. It was an amazing experience to witness the large group of people together marching peacefully in solidarity for a unifying cause. Below are some photos I snapped from the event; I tried my best to capture the spirit of the protest.